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Way Back Jack wrote:
> Cumin smells like armpits. It would be bad enough if it smelled like
> nervous armpits like when your anti-perspirant fails at a job
> interview, but it's even worse. It smells like armpits that haven't
> been washed for several days. Stale, stenchy armpits. Yucky.

I am not Mexican. I like many different herbs and spices.

Try buying a a rib eye roast, salt, pepper, garlic powder, Cumin,
cinnamon and 100% Mesquite charcoal. Note: roast should have a vein of
fat in the center (chef's secret).

Prepare a fire with 100% Mesquite charcoal.

Slice rib eye roast into inch-thick steaks. Try two-inches.

Sprinkle salt, pepper, garlic powder, Cumin, and cinnamon, on one side,
then flip. Allow steaks to sit for twenty minutes, at room temperature,
before grilling.

Grill for five minutes, then flip the meat.

Cook no more than 20 minutes.
Optional: Place meat in microwave, on HIGH for 2-minutes (makes the
inside tender and hot).
