Sheldon wrote:
> Dee Randall wrote:
>>Living in Hawaii for a few years, I had at a Hawaiian restaurant some of
>>their local dishes. One I was particularly fond of was Spam and Cabbage.
>>But I've never bought a can of it here on the mainland. You just gotta be
>>there to enjoy it, I guess.
> I've never been to Hawaii but I really enjoy Spam, I buy it by the
> case. In summer I like to add cubed Spam to all kinds of salads;
> tossed, pasta, potato, marinated bean, etc. I like Spam better cold
> than cooked. I only like the Original Spam; the Lite-Low salt/fat,
> Turkey, Smoked versions are an entirely different product, they're
> gross, even smell awful. Spam is a very handy pantry product and
> requires no refrigeration. Since moving to this rural area I eat a lot
> more Spam and way less cold cuts... the delis here in hillybilly land
> ain't any too sanitary... already got sick twice. Never got sick from
> Spam. I think Spam on rye with mustard, lettuce, tomato, and lotsa
> sliced raw onyun is gonna be lunch.
> Sheldon
No offense, especially is spam is your cup of tea, but major ICK! I
love cooking and have no problem fixing interesting dishes but spam sure
as heck isn't one of them!