Why Do Mexicans Like Cumin?
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On Mon, 04 Jul 2005 13:43:07 GMT,
(Way Back Jack)
>On Mon, 04 Jul 2005 11:45:25 GMT,
>(AlleyGator) wrote:
(Way Back Jack) wrote:
>>>Cumin smells like armpits. It would be bad enough if it smelled like
>>>nervous armpits like when your anti-perspirant fails at a job
>>>interview, but it's even worse. It smells like armpits that haven't
>>>been washed for several days. Stale, stenchy armpits. Yucky.
>>I'm not Mexican. So what's your theory on why I like cumin, troll?
>Is this multiple choice?
>1) You have lousy taste?
>2) You're an ex-hippie?
>3) You enjoy spending an inordinate amt. of time in locker rooms (On his
>knees) instead of showering and going home?
I like my addition...
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