On 4 Jul 2005 12:18:34 -0700, "Halcitron" > wrote:
>Way Back Jack wrote:
>> Cumin smells like armpits. It would be bad enough if it smelled like
>> nervous armpits like when your anti-perspirant fails at a job
>> interview, but it's even worse. It smells like armpits that haven't
>> been washed for several days. Stale, stenchy armpits. Yucky.
>I am not Mexican. I like many different herbs and spices.
>Try buying a a rib eye roast, salt, pepper, garlic powder, Cumin,
>cinnamon and 100% Mesquite charcoal. Note: roast should have a vein of
>fat in the center (chef's secret).
>Prepare a fire with 100% Mesquite charcoal.
>Slice rib eye roast into inch-thick steaks. Try two-inches.
>Sprinkle salt, pepper, garlic powder, Cumin, and cinnamon, on one side,
>then flip. Allow steaks to sit for twenty minutes, at room temperature,
>before grilling.
>Grill for five minutes, then flip the meat.
How about trying this with chicken? Then you can flip the bird!
>Cook no more than 20 minutes.
>Optional: Place meat in microwave, on HIGH for 2-minutes (makes the
>inside tender and hot).