DC. wrote:
> "Lars Lackmann" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Sorry if this question has already been answered.
>>In the movie "God of Cookery", they frequently talk about "****ing
>>shrimps" . A search on Google only turned up references to the movie.
>>But my curiosity caught on with that name and now it won't let go :-)
>>So what are "****ing shrimps" ?
>>Thanks in advance for your answers,
> In Cantonese, these are called 'Lai Liew Ha' = peeing/****ing prawns. The
> Australians call them 'bugs' & along the Med. Sea (France, Spain, Italy
> etc.) they are called Cigale, Cigales etc. If you can get alt.binaries.food
> i posted pics there of my recent visit to HK's LeiYueMun (fisherman's
> village) where fresh seafood are on display & you can choose what you want &
> the rests. will cook it for you etc. A few of the pics were of Live
> LaiLiewHa in the tank. The reason why they are called
> LaiLiewHa/peeing/****ing prawns in Cantonese is because once you pick them
> up from the water/tank, they squirt water like a squid or octopus would do
> with ink as a defensive ploy etc. I'm not sure if the Austarlian 'bugs' &
> European 'cigales' do the same but the HK variety do. ; )
> DC.
Thank you very much. Somehow googling for prawns instead never occured
to me, only variations on ****ing.