You should be able to find inexpensive good quality oats at your local
friendly natural foods market in the bulk section. Along with a good
selection of dried fruits to use as add-ins.
notbob wrote:
> I finally gave steel cut oats a try. Now, this is something I can eat
> every day, unlike rolled oats. Part of the reason is I found a brand
> that is considerabley cheaper than the outrageously overpriced
> McCann's Irish Oats. It's Country Choice Steel Cut Oats for about
> $4-5 per 30 ozs as opposed to McCann's $7-8 per 28 ozs.
> I've also discovered the faster one cooks them, the starchier and
> pastier they become. If cooked 15-30 mins at a low simmer, they're
> not so pasty. I eat 'em plain with a few golden raisens. Yum.
> Another bonus is the complete lack of a blood sugar spike and
> following sleepiness one gets from most carbo blasts. This I became
> sensitive to after being on Atkins for awhile. But now, I have to
> lose Atkins and get serious about lowering my cholesterol. My father
> just had a second heart attack last Sat (he's ok) and I've got to quit
> kidding myself about that "It won't happen to me" fantasy.
> nb