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Melissa Houle
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Default don't forget....

"Felice Friese" > wrote in message news:<traRb.152041$I06.1535883@attbi_s01>...
> "eriana" > wrote in message
> >
> > "orion" > wrote in message
> > news:6oFQb.18912$A74.14489@fed1read02...
> > > the 'mock apple pie'
> > >
> > > Makes 1 - 9 inch pie
> > >
> > > " Love apple pie, but hate apples? Your prayers have been answered! "

> >
> >
> > Actually, this isn't really "white trash cooking"; it is derived from
> > frugal-type recipes created during WWII when there was a shortage of many
> > products. If memory serves me correctly, I believe that this was first
> > posted by the Ritz folks on the back of the cracker box circa 1945 or so.
> >
> > ~Eri

> Sounds right to me. I met the Ritz version in Virginia in the mid-40's. All
> I remember is that, not surprisingly, it tasted just like cream of tartar.
> Felice
> Felice

I think actually its origins might be even older--from pioneer women
trying to construct something edible from dwindling supplies. My
mother was doing some research on pioneer cooking for a cookbook she
wrote about fifteen years ago, and came upon a similar recipe. (Not
that they had ritz crackers in covered wagons, but pioneer women had
to get inventive to keep everyone on their feet and moving west.) If I
were sitting by a campfire in the middle of the cold wilderness, and
there was nothing else to eat, this pie might taste pretty good. The
catch is, I'd have to BE out in the middle of nowhere with few edible
alternatives before it did.
