On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 13:07:54 -0400, "Bob (this one)" >
>Chris McGonnell wrote:
>> On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 02:04:18 -0400, Bob (this one) wrote:
>>>Mark Edwards wrote:
>>>>No cluons were harmed when "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>>>>See, slow-boy, a false dichotomy is like a sausage.
>>>>And a true tracheotomy is like a salmon crocquet...
>>>I said that very same thing this morning to a gourmet piscine
>>>veterinarian. Except I spelled it correctly.
>> Did your imaginary veterinarian dip you for mange or just take the
>> hook outta your mouth? And which fin did it use? I'm betting on
>> dorsal.
>Sweet Jesus, you guys are bad at this. No wit. No clever repartee. It
>seems that any response will do; no concerns with anything beyond
>quantity. No wonder you try to tag-team it. No one is strong enough to
>carry it alone.
>So any reply, even one that shreds your trivial posturing, is a victory
>for you? That's like claiming victory because you got hit harder than
>the guy you tangles with. More brilliance.
Come on now. At least try to make up your mind. Less than an hour ago
you said you were leaving, taking our shiny hooks with you and
trailing leader along behind.
"This marks the end of this little game" You do remember saying that,
>Here's a brilliant example -
Who wants to explain the joak to Giant Brane Bob?
>another post between two other sterling
>gangbang wordsmiths:
I've been a writer and editor for nearly 20 years, and in all that
time the only people I've seen use the word "wordsmith" are people who
can't write. Thanks for keeping the tradition alive.
>On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 11:26:16 -0400, "Otto Bahn"
> wrote:
> >>"Kevin S. Wilson" > wrote
> >>
> >>> Did your computer post this message before you could add anything
> >>> to it? Mine does that sometimes, too.
> >>
> >>Me too!
> >>
> >>--oTTo--
>Who wouldn't admire the depth and breadth of vision there? Who wouldn't
>consider it nearly Shakespearean in it's facile exposition of the great
What else did you get for your birthday, other than a thesaurus?
>I love watching skinny guys with sunken chests flexing their tiny
>muscles and getting all red in the face.
Your kink really isn't okay.
>It just makes me appreciate
>bright, competent people more.
As you should. Without their help, how would you get through the day?
Or across the street, for that matter.
>It must be hard being on the upslope of the bell curve. Somebody help
>them understand what this is about. Give them hankies first, You know
>how they get.
>No, seriously...
Your period key is sticking again.