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Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 12:21:49 -0500, ceed

>I'm not quoting any of this on purpose.

Same here.

>Can you guys please stop this? It's just depressing to see in a newsgroup
>I have found to be as friendly as this one.

I don't see alt.cuddles.fluffy.bunny in the newsgroups line. Are you
in some other chat room?

>I've had to leave other
>newsgroups because these things kept happening, but that has mostly been
>groups that also have kids and teens posting to them (gaming related
>groups and such).

What exactly did you find so traumatic that you "had to leave" those
other chat rooms?

>I was hoping the fact that most of the people posting
>here were adults would prevent this kinds of thing. Obviously not. How

How do you know that most of the people posting in this chat room are
adults? Do you ask "A/S/L"?

>And what I never get is why people can't take their fights over to e-mail
>and fight it out one-on-one? Whay do that *have* to pester everyone else
>with it?

It's a deal we've worked out with the guy who is holding a gun to your
head and forcing you to read everything posted to this chat room.
Nothing personal, you know.


Oh, forcryinoutloud. Calm down.