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  #225 (permalink)   Report Post  
Glitter Ninja
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"Bob (this one)" > writes:
>Chris McGonnell wrote:

>> Did your imaginary veterinarian dip you for mange or just take the
>> hook outta your mouth? And which fin did it use? I'm betting on
>> dorsal.

>Sweet Jesus, you guys are bad at this. No wit. No clever repartee. It
>seems that any response will do; no concerns with anything beyond
>quantity. No wonder you try to tag-team it.

Tag team what? We have a cleverly devised schedule maintained for
optimal annoyance. I see it's working well.

>So any reply, even one that shreds your trivial posturing, is a victory
>for you?


>Here's a brilliant example - another post between two other sterling
>gangbang wordsmiths:
>On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 11:26:16 -0400, "Otto Bahn"
> >>"Kevin S. Wilson" > wrote:

OK, that's enough. Please do not use "Otto", "Kevin", and "gangbang"
in the same sentence.
