Glitter Ninja wrote:
> "Bob (this one)" > writes:
>>Chris McGonnell wrote:
>>>Did your imaginary veterinarian dip you for mange or just take the
>>>hook outta your mouth? And which fin did it use? I'm betting on
>>Sweet Jesus, you guys are bad at this. No wit. No clever repartee. It
>>seems that any response will do; no concerns with anything beyond
>>quantity. No wonder you try to tag-team it.
> Tag team what? We have a cleverly devised schedule maintained for
> optimal annoyance. I see it's working well.
>>So any reply, even one that shreds your trivial posturing, is a victory
>>for you?
> Heh.
>>Here's a brilliant example - another post between two other sterling
>>gangbang wordsmiths:
>>On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 11:26:16 -0400, "Otto Bahn"
>>>>"Kevin S. Wilson" > wrote:
> OK, that's enough. Please do not use "Otto", "Kevin", and "gangbang"
> in the same sentence.
Is that a reverse meta-troll that I see there? I mean he didn't, and ah,
you did, right? Or, in substitution, as an alternative and OTOH, are you
including the headers in the "sentence"?
That'll be 20 days or 20 dollars (SAIT) less time served.
I'm a contractor. If you want an opinion, I'll sell you one.
Which one do you want?