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Kevin S. Wilson
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 14:57:44 -0400, "Bob (this one)" >

>Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>> On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 13:07:54 -0400, "Bob (this one)" >
>> wrote:
>>>Chris McGonnell wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 02:04:18 -0400, Bob (this one) wrote:
>>>>>Mark Edwards wrote:
>>>>>>No cluons were harmed when "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>>>>>>See, slow-boy, a false dichotomy is like a sausage.
>>>>>>And a true tracheotomy is like a salmon crocquet...
>>>>>I said that very same thing this morning to a gourmet piscine
>>>>>veterinarian. Except I spelled it correctly.
>>>>Did your imaginary veterinarian dip you for mange or just take the
>>>>hook outta your mouth? And which fin did it use? I'm betting on
>>>Sweet Jesus, you guys are bad at this. No wit. No clever repartee. It
>>>seems that any response will do; no concerns with anything beyond
>>>quantity. No wonder you try to tag-team it. No one is strong enough to
>>>carry it alone.

>>>So any reply, even one that shreds your trivial posturing, is a victory
>>>for you? That's like claiming victory because you got hit harder than
>>>the guy you tangles with. More brilliance.

>> Come on now. At least try to make up your mind. Less than an hour ago
>> you said you were leaving, taking our shiny hooks with you and
>> trailing leader along behind.
>> "This marks the end of this little game" You do remember saying that,
>> right?

>I do. Looks like I changed my mind, doesn't it?

You don't know?
>Looks like you're replying to me, doesn't it?

>>>Here's a brilliant example -

>> Who wants to explain the joak to Giant Brane Bob?
>>>another post between two other sterling
>>>gangbang wordsmiths:

>> I've been a writer and editor for nearly 20 years, and in all that
>> time the only people I've seen use the word "wordsmith" are people who
>> can't write. Thanks for keeping the tradition alive.

>Right. I can see the determined skill and vast vista in your missives.
>And I'd be happy to stack your publications and editing gigs against
>mine, Shorty. My first published and paid piece was in 1956 even before
>I was graduated from high school. My first editorial job was in 1963.
>Hang 'em out, word-boy. Be a big guy.
>Show us your truth...

Next Up: Bob the Giant Brane brags about how much money he makes, the
cool car he drives, and the size of his large American penis.

>>>On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 11:26:16 -0400, "Otto Bahn"
> wrote:
>>>>>"Kevin S. Wilson" > wrote
>>>>>>Did your computer post this message before you could add anything
>>>>>>to it? Mine does that sometimes, too.
>>>>>Me too!
>>>Who wouldn't admire the depth and breadth of vision there? Who wouldn't
>>>consider it nearly Shakespearean in it's facile exposition of the great

Still don't get the joke, do you?

>> What else did you get for your birthday, other than a thesaurus?

>Some lame children to smack around. Oh, wait...
>That's you.
>>>I love watching skinny guys with sunken chests flexing their tiny
>>>muscles and getting all red in the face.

>> Your kink really isn't okay.

>You obtuseness and lamentable lack of repartee is ok. For a schoolkid.
>>>It just makes me appreciate
>>>bright, competent people more.

>> As you should. Without their help, how would you get through the day?
>> Or across the street, for that matter.

>Not bad. About time you showed something besides your diaper contents.
>>>It must be hard being on the upslope of the bell curve. Somebody help
>>>them understand what this is about. Give them hankies first, You know
>>>how they get.
>>>No, seriously...

>> Your period key is sticking again.


Literal sunofagun, aren't you? Know wonder you got trolled.

>I guess in your "writer and editor for nearly 20 years"
>experience the word (and idea of) "ellipsis" was omitted.

Those aren't ellipses, son. You think they are, but until you start
using them correctly, they're just dots on the screen.