Bob (this one) wrote:
> Marc Goodman wrote:
>> The winner of the game (henceforth to
>> be referred to as "The Troll") is the player whom gets the
>> other player (hencerforth to be referred to as "Bob") to get
>> what her or him wants he or she to do.
> You put the "m" on the end very well.
> Um, in games, there are at least two sides pitted against each other.
> They both have offensive and defensive moves. Sorry to have to get so
> technical.
You are right. I should have said "sport." Since Kevin and oTTo
have goals here, it's up to you whether this is a competition
or just fishing. Fishing tends to be more fun for the fisherman
than the fish, you know.
> I understand the goal of generating responses and have done so on
> occasion myself (I'm sure you're shocked by this intimate revelation),
> but when the triggering comments are themselves rather pedestrian and,
> between us, not clever, funny, interesting beyond the typing or of any
> discernible wit, well, I'm sure you understand. Poor kids become fodder
> for playing with. The game has changed to one they can't carry. Claiming
> victory in a contest of such unbalanced competition marks them as a tiny
> but archetypal granfalloon.
Wait, is this a competition now? With, like, offensive and defensive
moves? Because I thought this was a sport, not a competition. WHICH
By the way, we already know (and love) the fact that oTTo and Kevin
are morans. But, you seem to want to be perceived as someone who
is more than reasonably intelligent, level-headed, and in control
of the situation. So, what do you think it says about you that
all it takes to make you respond time and time again is for some
poor kids to post pedestrian, not clever, unfunny, uninteresting
lacking in any discernible wit? Are trying to look deliberately
cruel, or just obssessive?
> I understand that once the children begin the engagement, they can't
> skulk off as the situation would warrant - I mean who wants the
> embarrassment to continue ad infinitum, egos being what they are - poor
> kids just have to keep trying, even if it's to set up a blunt instrument
> of a failure like this one.
You OBVIOUSLY don't know Kevin and oTTo if you think they'll ever
stop. Kevin has his own _cadre_ of leg humpers that he's been
trading barbs with for ALMOST A DECADE. They're like remoras
clinging to the back of a great white shark, a SHARK WITH LEGS.
> They cling to each other like frantic swimmers out of sight of
> land, knowing that merely screaming isn't getting the job done.
FNARR, Kevin and oTTo clinging to each other. WHAT ARE YOU, SOME
KIND OF HOMOPHOBE? That crap might play in KANSAS, but this is
>> All you have to do to turn the tables is decide what your
>> goal is and to execute a successful plan to achieve this goal.
In spite of everything, I still think people are good at heart.
- Anne Frank