aem wrote:
> There's nothing wrong or unusual about bringing your own wine. Good
> restaurants charge a fee
Legitimate 4 Star restaurants don't do corkage... besides, 4 Star and
"good" do not compute... "good" for you is Olive Garden... and I don't
think they do corkage either, not when yoose Olive Gardeners would
arrive with Carlo Rossi Chianti (dago red) in gallon jugs.
The relatively few restaurants that do corkage will not permit patrons
to bring wine they sell... corkage is for instances where someone
drinks a very particular wine (usually expensive/rare, and not on the
wine establishment's list)... the biker bar you frequent probably would
do corkage for your Boone's Farm.... $5 for plastic cups and a bag of
ice, so long as yoose buy rounds of pickled eggs and pig knuckles. LOL