Crying Child At a Romantic Dinner?
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Margaret Suran
Posts: n/a
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article .com>,
>>Was I wrong or did I miss something???
>>"The Nest" is a 4 star restaurant nestled in the
>>romantic Saddleback Inn, Lake Arrowhead, CA.
> Where's that info? The restaurant section of their web site mentions
> Chef Karl, their 5-star chef, and a AAA 3-diamond rating, but I'm
> missing "4 star restaurant."
Since we have not heard from the OP since the first post in this
thread, I am starting to believe that this may be a hoax or the work
of a troll as someone suggested before. Also, I do not recall ever
seeing another post by this person, aka01000l0l.
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