Thread: [OT] Hello!
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(Gal Called Jani) said:

> Hi all! Although I get to lurk here once in a while, I haven't
> had a chance to do much Usenet lately and I miss RFC! As I told
> Carol during my one brief visit to the IRC channel last week, DS
> (now 8) has pneumonia. He was doing a lot better, but his symptoms
> are worse today. :-( I'm awaiting a call from the doctor's office,
> and trying to take my mind off it by reading certain contentious
> threads. Just wanted to say hello, and hope all are well...

Please let us know how he's doing, Jani. You can e-mail if you don't want
to post to the group. Give the little guy a hug for me.


Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon