"nancree" > said:
> According to Peter Aiken
> " It is astounding how some parents
> are so completely selfish and ignore anyone and everyone around them.
> And of
> course the bratty kids will turn out the same way. It's a good argument
> for
> euthanasia. "
> ---------
> Geez, Peter, I had always thought of you as one of the saner
> posters here. I'm sure the parents were disturbed as well, but
> temporarily unable to quiet their child. Perhaps they weren't
> "completely selfish". Arrowhead is a family resort area, high in the
> mountains, and there are not a lot of restaurant choices. It was a
> holiday/family week-end. Don't you suppose the parents were hoping to
> have a quiet family dinner as well? Baby-sitter prices these days, in
> a resort area, can run more than the dinner tab. Why didn't they/you
> ask to be served in another, quieter area? Go to an adult club. Or ask
> to be served in the bar area. There seem to be more "Crying Babies"
> here on RFC that in the Saddleback Restaurant. From your post, I'd
> guess that YOU were one of the crying babies when you were young.
> Nancree (waiting for more "flack" from you adult cry-babies)
I'd have died before bringing my little darling into a restaurant of any
description if she were crying and screaming. Considerate people do not
impose their monsters on innocent bystanders. If the kid is happy and
behaving, fine. Take them to a restaurant. But this never should have
happened. Period.
The problem with people on vacation is that they try to cram too much into
their days and they don't give their very young children an opportunity to
get the sleep that they need. Then they pull this kind of crap on people.
They sound like bad parents who did a disservice to both their own child
and to the unfortunate diners around them.
Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon