~patches~ wrote:
> > any child whose parents can afford to take them to a 4-star restaurant,
> > and are willing to inflict the inherent obnoxia of a preschooler on
> > people expecting a relatively refined dining experience is likely a
> > spoiled brat, yes.
> I'm sorry but I disagree. You see we raised our kids and we exposed
> them to the finer element in dining. But, we had the rule if they acted
> up in any manner, they were out the door and that is how it should be.
> They should not be allowed to disrupt other diners and there is a
> certain decorum they needed to learn for public dining.
I certainly admire that sentiment, but I have to ask, if you were part way
through the main course and into a bottle of wine and the kids started acting up
would you really get up and leave? I have seen to many parents allow their kids
to run around in restaurants.