What method of preparation do you use most often or exclusively?
I have been drinking Chinese tea for a while, but I only really began
to truly know how to appreciate it after I spent much time in the many
teashops here in the Guangdong province. The first person that taught
me gongfu cha was from Chaozhou and there it's seen that tea is
something to be shared with others. I usually drink tea when I invite
someone to my home so I can prepare the tea gongfu style. When it
comes to my wulongs and pu'ers, I always use gongfu with zi sha or a
As for my greens, I just use the glass cup method. One of my friends
brought me back some excellent zhu ye qing (green from Sichuan) when
she visited recently.
My question to you is how do you most often prepare your teas?