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Kate Connally
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Andy wrote:
> Kate Connally > wrote in news:42CBF1F2.7D867A28
> > Every once in a while
> > I would be tempted to go back and try it again but I
> > always resisted that urge. I haven't been to a KFC in
> > at least 7 years.
> >
> > Kate

> Kate,
> For a short time, I used to order the "center breast" for the three piece
> white meat lunch box. It was the most meat and the easiest to eat with
> only the small center cartilage piece. But they charged me extra for the
> luxury so I gave up on them about 20 years ago.

What I could never figure out was why they charged extra
for either all white or all dark. The vast majority who
order one or the other order all white, so it seems to me
that all dark should have been discounted!!!!! Damn!
I always got all dark as I detest white meat. It really
used to bug me to be charged more for something no one
else wanted.

> My folks never let us eat fast food unless we were on a family roadtrip
> vacation.
> I also get a flavor flashback urge but pay it no mind, since I've started
> learning to cook.
> The unfried chicken recipes posted here and on other websites are
> delicious and too easy, if you don't mind a little cleanup, naturally!

Yes, I do mind cleanup! But that's not really the issue.
I like good fast food when I'm on the road or whatever.
So then it's not about cooking or cleaning up.

KFC always reminded me of the way my great aunt cooked
chicken. She would bread it and fry it and then she would
cook it in the pressure cooker. It had the same texture as
the original recipe KFC, only KFC was more flavorful due to
more spices. My great aunt didn't use anything except
salt and pepper. Anyway, I think that's one of the reasons
I liked original better than crispy.

And even if I wanted to I wouldn't make it at home because
I refuse to use a pressure cooker. Hate those things!
