jmcquown wrote:
> > > Hamilton Beach
> That's what I have and it works just fine. But pretty much the only time I
> use it is when I want to evenly slice 2 cups of yellow (summer crookneck)
> squash to make my squash casserole.
Ya still gotta rinse, and slice the ends off with a knife... so while
you already have the knife in your hand may as well donate a full 18
seconds more of your precious time to slice 2 cups worth... and then
not need to *waste* five minutes fiddling with and cleaning up a whole
machine (that really doesn't slice cleanly/evenly anyway, more like
tearing and not compensating for food tipping in the chute). And how
evenly does one need to slice squash rounds to bake in casseroles
anyway... is +/- .015" good enough, plenty good enough... and one would
need to have a severe mental disorder not to be capable of slicing
squash by hand to +/- .015" (I'm being extremely generous)... most
normal folks can easily do +/- .005" with their eyes closed
(literally)... the trick to acurate repetion is to not think about it,
don't even look, just do it. But ya shouldn't put a sharp instrument
in the hands of the mentally ill anyway... so only if one is physically
disabled does a food processor make any sense in a home kitchen.
People have food processors for the same reason they hang 30+ pots from
their ceiling, a lame attempt to convince folks they can cook.