In article >, "jmcquown"
> wrote:
> Ranee Mueller wrote:
> > In article >, "jmcquown"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> After 4 kids I'd be considering suicide LOL
> >
> > Ha ha. One wonders if you would appreciate comments about desiring
> > suicide based on the details of your life.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ranee (who got really tired of all the people who asked us if we
> > knew how babies were made, told us to get hobbies, watch more tv, get
> > separate bedrooms, etc. We know how babies are made, we're really
> > good at it.)
> You apparently didn't notice my comment was tongue-in-cheek. My life is
> just fine, thank you. Just because I made the choice not to have children
> doesn't mean I am not fulfilled. In fact, life is better than ever and I
> absolutely love being in my 40's
I'm sure your life is great for you. It would still be rude for me
(or anyone else) to say in response to some details about your life that
if we had to deal with that we'd be considering suicide. However, it is
apparently safe to do so about a family's choice of number or spacing of
children. It doesn't matter how tongue in cheek your comment was, it
was still rude. Just like it would be rude of someone to ask a couple
when they were going to have kids, why they don't have kids, etc, even
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heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man." Acts 17:24