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Wayne Boatwright
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On Fri 08 Jul 2005 03:58:04p, Julia Altshuler wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Lia, designing a web page is not all that difficult, especially for
>> someone who does it professionally. She should have designed a webpage
>> for you for free after that dinner! Sounds wonderful!!!

> You hit on exactly the sticky problem I've been mulling over all day. I
> would never charge a friend for dinner in my own home. Cooking a good
> meal is fun and isn't all that difficult once you know how, but it does
> take learning how to do. The same is true for webpages. Jim keeps
> telling me I should learn to do the webpage for myself. On the one
> hand, web design is a professional service one should expect to be paid
> for. On the other hand, like cooking, it is the sort of thing one could
> do as a favor for a friend once you have the know-how. I'm sure she's
> not overcharging me, but she did meet me briefly at a party, volunteer
> that she'd like to do the webpage for me out of the blue, then bring up
> the price after she'd eaten the home-cooked meal. I have mixed feelings
> about all of this.
> --Lia

Hmmm... Seems like odd or poor timing on her part to talk fees at the very
last. I would be inclined to decline and learn on your own. There are
some very good design tools out there that make it rather simple to
accomplish, and you would be learning a valuable skill on your own. Unless
timing is critical in getting a webpage up and running, I would pass.

Wayne Boatwright տլ

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974