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Julia wrote:

> O.K, all you computer type folks out the What's the going price for
> web design? Nothing fancy, a home page, an artist's bio, thumbnails of
> quilts, a little text, a contact page for future email (no encrypted
> credit cards), that sort of thing. For those of you who know how to do
> this, what's a fair price?

Most web designers I know would be ashamed to make such a trivial page for
more than about $50(US). $80 is definitely too much.

Really, if you have a fairly recent version of MS Word (or access to a
computer with MS Word), it's child's play to make a page like you describe;
it MIGHT take as long as 20 minutes (assuming the bio and other text are
already written and the photos already exist in digital form). You don't
even have to learn HTML.

On the other hand, if you *want* to learn HTML, it's a fairly simple
language to learn. (I've got a book named _Teach Yourself HTML in 24
