Was: White Trash Cooking
"Gina *" > wrote in message
> >>Why does *anyone* give a hoot about what >>someone else calls them,
> thinks of them, >>says about them...etc. I really don't get it and >>I
> must be one of the few who doesn't and >>doesn't care. I am secure
> enough with who >>and what I am that whatever *you* have to >>say about
> me (classwise, racewise, >>sexwise,...)makes no difference at all. I
> .
> .
> My father raised us with the credo of " It is none of your business what
> anyone else thinks of you. And mind your own goddamned business" (It is
> a rather 20th century attitude, he born in 1911 and I in 1955. )
> To piggyback on the supermarkett thing, I remember once when this
> 10-year old or so was astonished to see a white woman with a cane and
> what were then some nasty scars from the attack on the Pentagon. I
> pointed out to the mother what the scars and cane were all about. I
> pointed out how rude her child was and the proper way to instill manners
> in a child. The mother said the child had been poor all her life and I
> had to understand that. Right, only people with money in the bank can
> be civilized and know how to mind their won business. They were
> 24-karat gold losers.
I guess she should have followed your father's credo and told you that she
doesn't give a flying fig what you think of her or her children! Surely
it's their right to be astonished? I've been astonished at the rude, pushy
behavior of some wealthy people who think the are better than other -- you
know, the people who want everything NOW and on their terms and at a
discount! Anyone in retail has experienced this.
I don't understand what the disfigured woman's race had to do with the
situation. How could you tell from looking at someone how they acquired
scars? Did you have some expectation that a 10 year old would know why the
woman was disfigured?