Edwin Pawlowski > wrote in message
> > [calling a restaurant on the phone while inside it]
> I used a similar ploy when we were being overlooked at
> a restaurant. [..] We gave our name to the host and
> waited. And waited, and waited. Others (regulars?)
> came in after us and were being seated. I called the owner
> and told him we were leaving and gave the reason why.
We know someone that speaks up more and more frequently, now that he's
enjoying his senior moment, about this very situation. His desire to be
seated is almost like he's on the clock or taking medicine. He won't
even do walk-in at a restaurant (think Joe Pesci's "LW2" drive-thru
rant) because he dislikes it when someone that comes in after is seated
before. It's fun to see his forehead veins bulge and pulse.
> [..] It pays to speak up.
It does indeed, as long as you keep it professional and even-tempered.
The moment you yell, you lose all your advantages and customer support.
The Ranger