fwiw imo
The crying child has zip to do with the main
cruxt of the situation.
side bar
Expecting a toddler to conduct themselves
in any shape, form or fashion that isn't
basic needs being meant is foolish. Its
not going to happen. Nor should it.
One needs verbal skills, a bladder that's
capable of being controlled and more life
history then being upright for the last x
number of months. Yes, it will come in
time. But not the issue here.
So. Do not plan a romantic evening anywhere
a child might occur. Crying or otherwise.
Poor planing on the OP's part.
The OP IMO was looking for confirmation he
handled the situation properly. With possibly
some "atta boys" and "way to go dude" tossed in.
By his own admission he was offered some sort
of compensation but was too upset and or nervous
to avail himself of same.
So. The Waiter gets stiffed as the result of his
lack of saying yes, thank you, that would be
very nice?
Did the Waiter cry?
Did the Waiter destroy the romantic ambiance?
Did the Waiter preform his duties in a an
appropriate manner?
Last but not least.
Was the Waiter to blame?
I don't think so.
The lack of a gratuity did Nothing to
offset OP's less then stellar dining
experience. It stiffed the person
that actually lived up to expectations.
dead horse slugging
Go Back. Find him. Tip_HIM.