Damsel wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > said:
> > Something different for us. We're not fish eaters. Well, at
> > least not fishy fish (flashbacks to the neighbor bringing over
> > a bluefish he caught, every so often ... shudder). But,
> > flounder was on sale, what the heck. Fried it up, served it
> > with cornbread and tomato/cucumber salad.
> >
> > Came out great. I'll be having that again.
> What a refreshing meal! I've never done tomato/cucumber salad, but it
> sounds like just the ticket on days like these. Thanks for sharing! :-)
Won't be long now I'll be living on tomato/cuke salads... they
literally grow faster than I can prepare and eat them. I like to dice
the cukes and tomatoes rather than slice. I add fresh parsley and
finely diced onion and a lille minced garlic, black pepper, good olive
oil and vinegar and a wee bit of kosher salt... let is set a bit to
meld (no fridge) and scoff it down, yummmy. Of course my cukes ain't
waxed, I pick em young and don't peel em. This salad goes well with
plain old bottled French dressing too, the lurid orange one.