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Pandora wrote:

>>>ROTFLASTC = Rolling On the Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat !!!!!!!!!!!
>>>See this web page

>>Good one...
>>The cat didn't look all that scared to me, though - looked rather
>>comfortable.... lucky thing. Food looked good too!

> Yes. I haven't scared the cat, ofcourse
> He ate before two or three sausages ))) and after went to sleep!
> ))))))))
> So! Do you appreciated the web page? Do you think is interesting?
> Cheers
> Pandora

Yes, I found the link to the acronyms very amusing and interesting.
Thanks. I have seen several other sites, but not this particular one.
Thought your pictures were nice too. Always nice to be able to see what
other people are cooking/making. We do a similar thing here (in our
summer-time) but we call it a "braai". To you its a BBQ or grill... but
this has already been discussed to death on RFC, so I won't say too
much about it

I see you had rather nice looking sausages on your "grill". Do you make
your own sausages? We have something in South Africa called "boerewors"
- roughly translated, it means "farmer's sausage". It is very popular
here when we "braai".

Here's a local recipe for it:

Boerewors (spicy sausage)

1.5kg beef
1.5kg pork
500g bacon, diced
25ml salt
5ml ground pepper
50ml ground coriander
2ml freshly grated nutmeg
1ml ground cloves
2ml ground dried thyme
2ml ground allspice
125ml red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, crushed
50ml Worcestershire sauce
85g sausage casings

Cut the beef and pork meat into 1.5 inch cubes and mix it with all the
other ingredients except the sausage casings.

Grind the meat using a medium-course grinding plate

Fill the sausage casings firmly but not too tightly with the meat mixture.

Can be fried, grilled or barbecued over coals.

Makes 3.5 kg
