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Cwdjrx _
Posts: n/a

Taking it on the plane with you seems to be the best option, from what
has been posted. A second coice would be to buy your wine at a store
that will ship outside of the country. If you do ship yourself, I
suggest using a service that prepares packages for shipment. For
example, nearly any city has services that will prepare and make
shipments for you via UPS, Federal Express etc. There many special forms
that are required for international shipments.

I assume you will be shipping to France. France has a huge number of
regulations concerning items entering the country. The USPS site at has sections concernng the regulations of various
countries, including France.

My shipments by air express from Europe usually clear customs here
without delay and without being opened, because companies such as Demel
or shipping services hired by companies do all of the paper work
properly. Even any customs duties can be prepaid in many cases.

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