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Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a

Nancy Young wrote:

> You know, I did a doubletake when you said she'd take a quilt for a
> webpage. She showed a complete disrespect for what you do. It is
> obvious she has no idea what goes into making a quilt. Shoot, even I
> could design a crude webpage, what *she* does is no big deal.

No, no! She's not that bad. This isn't one of those situations where
she's all wrong, and I'm the total good-guy. There's a fair amount of
grey area and misunderstanding here. She didn't suggest that she'd take
a quilt. She honestly didn't know what they're worth, brought up the
possibility of barter and understood immediately when I told her the
price of a quilt.

> Actually, I can't believe you made such an elaborate meal for her,

But I like cooking, like having friends over, enjoyed her company, feel
good about it and would take the chance again that someone I met at a
party would turn into a better friend in the future. Just because this
one didn't work out, doesn't mean that I'd keep it just business next
time. When I started, I didn't know the business details. Now I do.

> time keep it just business. Contact your local community college,
> whatever, get some kid to do it for you. I would definitely get busy
> and decide how you want your page arranged before letting someone
> just come in and do what they like. You know, like a notebook, plan
> out what you want on the home page, next page, what you'd want there,
> like that.

I love the community college idea. I know just where to put up the sign

> Good luck, and when it's up and running, please let us know, I for one am
> dying to see the quilts.

A friend has put up some quilt pictures for me on his webpage. Though
it isn't a commercial site, I'm don't want anyone thinking I'm
advertising here or trying to turn a cooking group into a quilting one,
so if you're interested, email me privately (this address is unmunged),
and I'll tell you where you can you can see pictures of my quilts. Put
"cold soup" in the subject line so I don't delete your message as spam.
