>Subject: White Trash Cooking
>From: "DRB"
>Date: 1/25/2004 6:05 PM Mountain Standard Time
>Message-id: >
>"Fx199" > wrote in message
>> >Oh, those people... I'm from a pretty rural area, and most people either
>> >farm, hunt, fish, or all three...
>> >
>> oh my god...those horrible, horrible people...<sob>
>And your point is?
>Mine was these people--farmers, hunters, recreational fishers, etc.-- *need*
>trucks to either haul farm-related things, their boats, or hunting gear. My
>dad is a dairy farmer, who hunts in his spare time. Owning anything but a
>pick-up would be pointless for him.
>"Those people" refers to the ones who live in urban areas, never haul
>anything, and never need it for recreation. The "my truck is a status
>symbol" people...
My neighbor drives a brand new pick-up. Once in a while she'll pick up
furniture or stuff in it. The electric window wasn't working on it and she
wanted me to drive her to the dealer late at night so it would be worked on the
next day, for her convenience. She has had many meals here but we have had
none at her house. She recently put in a new kitchen addition to the tune of
$50,000 and I was with her all the way - sort of felt like a pregnancy. I knew
I'd never get a meal cooked in that new kitchen. Before Thanksgiving, she came
in with a woman and her 4 kids to show them the instruments in our house and
said that they were cleaning her house and then going out shopping for food for
the Thanksgiving meal. This family was transplanted from the wilds of Ohio so
my neighbor had to be their mentor. We weren't upset to not get an invitation
to that meal. I sort of guess the Ohioan did all the work. The kitchen
addition is long over with now and there is still a huge dumpster in her yard.
She has worked with the phone company for years and fought to be able to wear
shorts at work through her union. I should have told her if she hadn't been so
fat she wouldn't have had that chafing and people wouldn't have had to see her
in shorts. I'm very bad, but this is white trash to me.