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"Mike Tommasi" asked of the group.....

> anyone have experience with this? Does Fed Ex work, or the US mail?
> Do we get slapped with enormous duties on arrival, or some exotic tax
> on departure?

Mike, I have no experience US-Europe, but have often taken up to five cases
of wine as checking in luggage, half way round the world.

I have never heard of an "export tax" - and my experience (albeit into the
UK via Heathrow) - two cases of wine is a such a piddling amount that,
unless you come across a pedantic, brain dead customs officer, with no sense
of humour whatsoever, then any import duties assessed should be minimal at
least, and possibility nil - notwithstanding any import limits on returning

Mark Lipton has sent me two bottles from the US to NZ via FedEx - very VERY
fast service - but that was in a small styrofoam package - and I would not
trust that method to sending yourself two cases.

Check your two cases in; pay the excess baggage fee (if applicable) and act
suitably embarrassed and joke with the French customs officer that "this is
just cheap American rubbish that a friend insist that you accept as a
gift" - I am sure that any self respecting Frenchman will understand your



p.s. Let me know what happens - I will be bringing a case or two with