Faux_Pseudo wrote:
> nip wrote the following:
> > To: ALL the naysayers
> >
> > Read Sheldons post... on target, accurate, articulate, worth reading!
> You mean like this one from a week ago:
> .com>
> There's no corn syrup in canned beans... why don't you read
> the label... oh, you can't read.
> To which I responded with:
> http://fauxascii.com/photo/corn_and_beens.html
> He didn't reply to that because he was wrong and couldn't admit it.
Where did you dig up that fercocktah brand... never heard of it... none
of the big national brand canned beans I buy contain added sugars.
Like I said, READ THE LABEL... if it's got something you don't want
move on to a different brand... oh, you can't read.
And if I don't reply to a post it's because I didn't read it.. that'll
be the day I'm ascared of shitheads like yoose.
So, you have anything of worthwhile interest to say (not useless
negative drivel), nope... that's what I thought, the ****_Psycho
asshole has yet to post anything useful.