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JeanineAlyse wrote:
> Well, this new-to-me product saga began (here) with the Toasted Sesame
> Oil that y'all taught me was primarily just for flavoring. Okay, I
> can certainly respect that concept, but knowing not why I even bought
> the little bottle, how 'bout some use suggestions?

Use a dash or two of it on stir-fried vegetables.

> Next, I have no idea how to use the latest new-to-me that sounded very
> tempting when I saw it in my catalog tht I just had to have
> it. It's Chinois, Shanghai Peanut Sauce.

As a condiment on Asian satay (chicken, pork or beef).

> Ideas and product after-opened storage instructions, anyone?
> ...Picky ~JA~

The sesame oil can be stored like any oil. I'd refrigerate the peanut sauce
after opening.
