Ideas for freezable family meals?
"Ranee Mueller" > wrote in message
> I'm curious what was so unChristman about it or what was obvious
> about the intent (other than pointing out that her comment about
> considering suicide after 4 kids was rude).
Actually, what you said was, "One wonders if you would appreciate comments
about desiring suicide based on the details of your life." It seemed to me
(and I apologize if I was wrong) that it was a sarcastic remark. Sarcastic
remarks are intended to wound and it is un-Christian to intentionally hurt
someone. There was no mention of rudeness at all in your post.
> Wow. Mean spirited to call someone on rudeness.
Regarding other incidences which I referred to as mean-spirited, I
distinctly remember an exchange with another poster in which you brought up
topics of the past which, I am sure, you knew would cause embarrassment or
discomfort to her. IMO, any comments intended to embarrass someone *are*
mean-spirited. It may have been more than a few months ago, but I remember
it very clearly (hence my thought that it was within the last few months)
because I was very surprised that it came from you. I had never known you
to try to put someone else down in such a way.
Again, regarding the post that started this exchange, if I read it
incorrectly I apologize for jumping to conclusions.
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