Thread: Oreos and milk!
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Stan Horwitz
Posts: n/a

In article >, Andy <Q>

> Here's where you might concentrate your efforts.
> Time how many seconds you dunk the Oreo. You might be removing the dunk
> before complete saturation, thereby increasing the probability of excess
> milk, causing the obvious decision to draw more cookies from the
> package. Your fingers should start sinking into the cookie with mild
> pressure, indicating full saturation.
> Also pay close attention to milk drips as the Oreo travels from the
> glass to your mouth. Leaving a puddle of milk between you and the glass
> of milk may explain at a later time why there's not enough milk in the
> glass for "the last" cookie, causing the obvious decision to add more
> milk to the glass.

Some of my friends think I am strange, but I am not a cookie dunker and
I am not even a big fan of drinking milk. Due to my effort to reduce my
carb intake, I rarely eat cookies, even beloved Oreo's. Even when I did
eat Oreo's, I never dunked them in milk or anything else.

Now that I have put the Oreo's cards on the table, I do have a
suggestion for you dunkers. Why not just put a few cookies in an empty
glass (or bowl) and pour your preferred type of milk over said cookies?
That way, you are guaranteed to have cookies saturated with milk. When
the cookies are gone, simply replace them with other cookies in the
bowl, wait a minute for milk saturation to occur, and keep repeating the
process until all the milk is gone. You can use a pair of forks, or a
spoon to extricate the wet cookies from the milk. Or am I missing
something here?