On Mon 11 Jul 2005 03:45:23a, Stan Horwitz wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> In article >, Andy <Q>
> wrote:
>> Here's where you might concentrate your efforts.
>> Time how many seconds you dunk the Oreo. You might be removing the dunk
>> before complete saturation, thereby increasing the probability of excess
>> milk, causing the obvious decision to draw more cookies from the
>> package. Your fingers should start sinking into the cookie with mild
>> pressure, indicating full saturation.
>> Also pay close attention to milk drips as the Oreo travels from the
>> glass to your mouth. Leaving a puddle of milk between you and the glass
>> of milk may explain at a later time why there's not enough milk in the
>> glass for "the last" cookie, causing the obvious decision to add more
>> milk to the glass.
> Some of my friends think I am strange, but I am not a cookie dunker and
> I am not even a big fan of drinking milk. Due to my effort to reduce my
> carb intake, I rarely eat cookies, even beloved Oreo's. Even when I did
> eat Oreo's, I never dunked them in milk or anything else.
I'm with you on never dunking anything in milk, including Oreos. Wet/soggy
cookies are disgusting. I do, on occasion, dunk donuts in coffee w/cream,
but that's another story.
> Now that I have put the Oreo's cards on the table, I do have a
> suggestion for you dunkers. Why not just put a few cookies in an empty
> glass (or bowl) and pour your preferred type of milk over said cookies?
> That way, you are guaranteed to have cookies saturated with milk. When
> the cookies are gone, simply replace them with other cookies in the
> bowl, wait a minute for milk saturation to occur, and keep repeating the
> process until all the milk is gone. You can use a pair of forks, or a
> spoon to extricate the wet cookies from the milk. Or am I missing
> something here?
I think what you're missing is the ritual, nothing more. While you may be
making a practical suggestion, it requires "preparation". Dunking Oreos in
milk is a casual "unplanned" activity. Perhaps all cookies eaten may not
be dunked, as well.
Wayne Boatwright *¿*
Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974
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