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Emery Davis
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On Sun, 10 Jul 2005 08:38:41 -0400, gerald > said:

] Far and away the cheapest way to ship US to Europe (Italy excluded) is
] by USPS. Fed EX, DHL, and UPS are fantastically expensive. USPS has
] a 3 day service arrangement with almost every country in the world,
] Italy excluded.


Just a note to mention that for some time the USPS outsourced european
delivery to some german company -- can't remember the name. In any
case it was pretty horrible for a good long time, to the point that the
IHT even had a feature story about it. Seems to be mostly cleared up
now, but "cheapest" isn't always "best". I have good luck US<=>France
with UPS.

I agree the best way is to hand carry. But if that's too onerous, you
can avoid any French import tax by clearly marking the customs
declaration as "gift." Of course it's even true!


] On Sun, 10 Jul 2005 08:58:05 +0200, Mike Tommasi >
] wrote:
] >Hi
] >
] >anyone have experience with this? Does Fed Ex work, or the US mail? Do
] >we get slapped with enormous duties on arrival, or some exotic tax on
] >departure?
] >
] >I wil be in CA in september and I need to ship about 18 zins and 6
] >mourvedres back to France. I guess carrying these as baggage on the
] >plane will set me back a few $$$ so not a good idea.
] >
] >
] >
] >Mike Tommasi, Six Fours, France
] >email link

Emery Davis
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