"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
"JeanineAlyse" > wrote in message
" Deep Fryer story... DH, Rick, gets a deep fryer for Father's Day... we
it for the second time a couple of weeks later. As should be expected, I
let it cool overnight, on the counter. Please note, we used it on July 3rd
and we were going to have a gathering at our house on the 4th. Ugghh...
darling little Nathan, who had turned 4 just a couple months before, got up
first that morning and wanted to help clean the house for the party... He
lifted it off the counter and yep, you guessed it, he dropped it. Oil
EVERYWHERE!! All over the tile floor and soaking into the rubber backed
rugs... Ugghhhh! It took forever to get it cleaned up... I used
everything... it adheared to the grout... horrible, horrible mess. Even
Dawn Detergent was having a tough time with the oily remains... <shudder>
I hope to never have to clean up another mess like that. A quart of oil can
go a long, long, lllll oooo nnnn gggg way!"
Oh, Deep fried Dill Pickles are amazing too!!! Just in case you want to fry
other things than Spinach. LOL
This story really scared me, as I can think of what the out-come would have
been had your 4 year old lifted the fryer with HOT oil in it.
Old Magic 1