Chicken Cacciatore
Nancy Young > wrote in message
> > ObTopic: Made it last night (per Nancy's clarification
> > of "tsp."). Delish! I should've made the 16 count! We'd've
> > had enough for lunch today.
> (astonished and delighted!) It really does make great leftovers,
> especially if you include the sausage. The chicken comes out
> really nice, texture is nice after simmering in the sauce. Couldn't
> be an easier recipe.
That's one of the benefits! Simple, quick, cheap are the three fits for
this meal. I could probably work the food costs out but a guess is
<US$2.00 per person, with salad as a side. The daughter-units were
requesting it again tonight (high praise!) but I made Chicken Paprika
instead. That went over less-well; the sauce looked the same but it was
much spicier (and my three don't do spicy willingly). <G>
> nancy (thanks, ranger)
The Ranger