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Peter Aitken wrote:
> > wrote in message
> >I have 4 litres of sunflower oil that I need to get rid of. Is it OK
> > to dig a whole in the garden, and just pour it in? Will it rot away
> > fairly quickly, especially in the summer heat?
> >
> > Thanks, regards, dnw.
> >

> I reguarly spread used oil in the wooded area behind the house.

I sure hope you're not talking motor oil...

>I would not
> do it in a garden however - I do not think the plants will like the oil. You
> can ask at a restaurant if you can add yours to their oil for recycling.

It's not a good idea to pour vegetable or animal fat onto the ground
anywhere.... some animals adn organisms will consume it and it will
eventually degrade but once it seeps into the ground it can sit there
for a very long time and will affect the ground water. Every community
in the US maintains a toxic waste collection center, that's where I
would bring it, I doubt places that deal in food will accept your
personal garbage. If you live where there are cold winters, save you
old cooking fat in the freezer, you can mix vegetable and animal fat
with seeds and/or old bread and put it out for the birds to eat.
