Thread: Hints
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  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Andy wrote:
> Remove your ice cube tray from the freezer and before twisting it to break
> out the cubes, turn it upsidedown and run it under the kitchen faucet for
> a few seconds. Turn it upright and twist the tray. The cubes will eject
> whole, instead of crumbled.

You're talking metal trays... you old geezer!

Plastic ice cube trays can be made non-stick... coat with a light film
of vegetable oil, let sit over night, then wash as you normally do
dishes (dishwashing machine is ideal), your trays will now be non-stick
for years... years later when you notice cubes beginning to stick
repeat the process. Odds are you'll buy a new fridge with new trays
before those treated trays will need re-treatment.
