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Dean G. wrote:
> I have pintos, black, kidney, and garbanzos. I may have a some great
> northerns as well, but I'm not sure without looking. Buying sausage
> isn't a problem, I'm just trying to avoid packing up more things than
> I need to.

I understand. Moving is a PITA.

Now that I think about it, a vegetarian chili may be a good
> idea. I can use some beans, some tomatoes, and rice or pasta. All I
> would need is cheese, and we may have that if the family hasn't burned
> through the smoked gouda yet.
> However, I'll take a look at Hoppin' John recipes as well. I don't
> want to commit to it until I know what it is. A brief google seems to
> show a southern dish with rice, black-eyed peas, and ham or jowl
> bacon. I have some turnip greens to go on the side, and some corn to
> fry up as well. I could even make some cornbread or fritters.

Exactly right! I'd use the pintos in place of the blackeyed peas. Or you
could do a sort of a cuban-style black bean & rice dish.

> As for the ribs, I've made something similar before with honey and
> lemon juice. That version didn't seem as sweet, so I blame the
> pineapple juice.<g> Also, last time they went on the grill, which
> probably helped out as well.
> Dean G.