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Bob (this one)
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Katra wrote:
> In article >,
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
> wrote in message
>>>I have 4 litres of sunflower oil that I need to get rid of. Is it OK
>>>to dig a whole in the garden, and just pour it in? Will it rot away
>>>fairly quickly, especially in the summer heat?
>>>Thanks, regards, dnw.

>>Got a big wick?
>>Just kidding
>>I would recommend # 6 or 7.

> If all else fails, he could always strain it well, then make it into
> soap! :-)

Or oil flower pots to make them shiny and prevent formation of mineral

Or oil flagstones and stepping stones to make them more intensely colored.

Or Brush it on unfinished wood fences or edges of decks.

Or mix it with birdseed so the birdies get some extra fat to help them
through the cold weather.

Pour it on tree stumps to slow their decomposition - use the stumps for
displaying plants or gimcracks. Maybe geegaws.

Mix it with corn to feed the critters around the area (if you want to
encourange them) or mix it up and put it all around your neighbors'
houses so the ctritters will go there. <LOL>

Or spray it on the bases of trees to annoy insects that like to use the
trunks for getting to the juicy leaves.

Or spray it around a wooded area onto the leaves and fallen twigs. It
will be consumed by small critters or decompose in fairly short order.

Don't bury it, leave it on the surface of the ground if you're getting
rid of it that way.
