"Gigi" wrote...
>I would like to make a batch or two of fudge to send to my nephew who is in
>the Army and stationed in Korea. I usually use the cream cheese recipe but
>I worry about the lack of refrigeration as it sits somewhere in the APO box
>in S.F. etc. before he receives it. Does anyone have a good recipe for a
>type of fudge that doesn't need refrigeration? I sure would appreciate it.
>I've googled but the huge return has defeated me and after going through
>hundreds of recipes that all end up saying "refrigerate" I'm turning to the
>"experts". I seldom post here but I've been a lurker for years and read
>this newsgroup every morning without fail! Thanks for any help you can
>give me.
> Gigi
The marshmallow cream version might work. However, don't do it now. Wait
until fall/winter and cooler weather. Specialty candy makers only ship
between September and April.