One time on Usenet, Margaret Suran >
>Jani wrote:
>>Hi all! Although I get to lurk here once in a while, I haven't
>>had a chance to do much Usenet lately and I miss RFC! As I told
>>Carol during my one brief visit to the IRC channel last week, DS
>>(now 8) has pneumonia. He was doing a lot better, but his symptoms
>>are worse today. :-( I'm awaiting a call from the doctor's office,
>>and trying to take my mind off it by reading certain contentious
>>threads. Just wanted to say hello, and hope all are well...
> Jani, I hope that your son will feel much better tomorrow. Please,
> let us know how he is doing. MS
Thank you Margaret, and everyone else too! Your notes really cheered
me up, as that was a rough day. Buddy (DS) is doing much, much better
now; his tempurature has been normal for nearly a week and he's actually
coughing stuff up, rather than just choking on it. I'm hoping we're near
the end of it. This isn't the first time he's had pneumonia; the first
time he was only 2 months old! This time around wasn't as scary, but
Jani in WA (Smee)
~ mom, VidGamer, novice cook, dieter ~