Thread: [OT] Hello!
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S'mee [AKA Jani]
Posts: n/a

One time on Usenet, said:
(S'mee [AKA Jani]) said:
> > Thank you Margaret, and everyone else too! Your notes really cheered
> > me up, as that was a rough day. Buddy (DS) is doing much, much better
> > now; his tempurature has been normal for nearly a week and he's actually
> > coughing stuff up, rather than just choking on it. I'm hoping we're near
> > the end of it. This isn't the first time he's had pneumonia; the first
> > time he was only 2 months old! This time around wasn't as scary, but
> > still...

> I'm so glad to hear that your son is doing better. Please give him
> another hug from "aunt" Carol.

I just did, and he said to tell you "thank you for the hug". He's a very
sweet kid... :-)

Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, VidGamer, novice cook, dieter ~