Tara & Guy wrote:
> Hi
> I haven't been around in forever, hi all!
> Planning a kids party, age 3 to 6.
> Do cold sandwiches (meat & ch, PB&J) cut into cute shapes, tuna salad,
> deviled eggs, chips and dip, cupcakes and brownies sound OK, or do I need to
> grill up some hot dogs or burgers too? (Juice, soda and milk)
Don't think the kids that age would be interested in the tuna salad or
deviled eggs - I am sure the adults would eat them though! The other
stuff sounds fine. Kids generally love hot dogs so that might be a good
idea too.
> Of course I need to feed the kids' parents also, so I was going to do a
> fresh fruit salad, nice breads, coldcuts and maybe a seafood salad. At a
> noon party for 3-6 year-olds, with swimming, can I skip alcohol? Or do
> just wine?
The food sounds good. But as for the alcohol... if it's a kids' party at
noon, I don't think the parents would expect it anyway, so you could
probably give it a miss. And considering it's a swimming party, I think
the adults would understand, not to mention the fact that they will
probably have to drive their kids home afterwards.
> I have no idea how many people. I'm off for the summer, my son misses his
> friends from daycare, so we're having a party.
> Thanks!
> Tara
> pridy@andthentherest :-)
Good luck!