LynneA wrote:
> You might be suprised by the deviled eggs, Cathy! Most kids I've seen love
> em as long as the seasonings are kept fairly simple-my kids in particular,
> Hoover the darned things down, never can seem to make enough<GG>
> Lynne A
Well, my kids must be the exception then heh heh. Other kids must like
We actually took our toddler to a kids' party a few weeks ago. The
hostess had made little "party-packs" for each child that contained some
sweets, a packet of potato chips (crisps) and a a sucker or two, with
some "fake" eggs made out of some sort of sugary stuff. The kids loved
them. The birthday cake was cool too. Great-grandma had made it and it
had purple icing with Smarties and stuff. We enjoyed a the cake too! <grin>